Translating Europe Forum
Hello, everyone! Currently on my year abroad in Belgium, I was fortunate to partake in the Translating Europe Forum (TEF) at the European Commission, a three-day affair that proved nothing short of phenomenal. Engaging with translators and professionals from diverse global backgrounds expanded my understanding of the Translation Industry, providing valuable insights crucial for my career path. The opportunity to establish meaningful contacts was equally rewarding, enhancing my professional network. The meticulously organized event went above and beyond, offering complimentary meals and captivating tours of the Museum of European History and the Europe Exhibition Centre. Anticipating my return to Swansea, I'm already committed to attending next year's TEF, whether in person or online. Post-graduation, inspired by fellow graduates, I am seriously contemplating a return to the European Commission for a traineeship. The forum's impact has been profound, shaping my future endeavors in ways I hadn't imagined.
~Tereza Metallinou and Rocky Oppong