Language Societies
French Society
Bonjour! My name is Lauren and I’m the president of this year’s French society. I am a final year student studying French and Spanish and I love everything about the Swansea from the Gower Peninsula to Wind Street. French has always been my passion and I have always been in love with the language and the culture. Spending my year abroad living in the Lorraine region confirmed this: I had the best time and have come back with a so much deeper understanding all things French. I hope I will be able to use this to make the French society as good and enjoyable for everyone as it can be.
I am in one of the year groups that has been affected by COVID almost every year of university. As a result, the French Society has never really existed during my time in Swansea. When our class was told about an opportunity to restart it, I jumped to it!
So far, we have had our first social at Wetherspoons just getting to know one another and a raclette night eating traditional French food. The committee has so many more off and on campus ideas planned ready to go, including French movie night and mini golf. Our aims within the society are to make a welcoming group for anyone interested by anything to do with Francophone countries to come together, meet like-minded people and just enjoy themselves.
I really hope that this year will be a success for the French society and that we will be able to hand over the baton at the end of this year for it to continue long into the future!
German Society
Hallo and herzlich willkommen to the German Society - the host of the legendary Sprachcafé! My name is Alice and I’m the Secretary of the German Society 2022/2023. This academic year has been a blast. With the possibility of finally being able to meet up in person, we were able to make the most out of our meetings and activities.
This year we focused on offering activities that would have been suitable for all levels, from beginners to advanced. For example, we encouraged debates on a variety of different topics for those that wanted to practice their German and speaking skills. These were most suitable for German native speakers, very precious people to the society, and those that hold an advanced level.
We also encouraged film nights in German with English subtitles to improve our listening and comprehension skills, but also to enrich our knowledge about German culture. We would usually do this with a nice warm pizza in front of us.
Board-games have also been an essential part of our meetings in order to make sure that we were balancing teaching sessions with more fun and interactive ones. Some of our favourite games were ‘Ligretto’ and ‘Taboo’. Ligretto is real fun and the German Taboo is great to enrich our vocabulary and communication skills.
From the entire committee: Being part of the German society really makes a difference in your social life and allows you to practice one of your favourite languages outside the classroom environment in many different ways and occasions. It’s a great opportunity to meet native speakers and to learn about German culture and tradition whilst having fun! Don’t be shy and dive in! You won’t regret it!