Prizewinners 2023

Following the conclusion of the 2023 academic year, we are delighted to announce the following prizewinners:

Roy Knight Prize (French): Seren Walters

Awarded annually by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Professor of French to be spent on the purchase of books. Provided there is a candidate of sufficient merit the prize will be awarded to a final year undergraduate or to a full-time postgraduate student judged to have done the most meritorious work in the field of French poetry or drama, including practical work on a French play. 

Roy Lewis Memorial Prize (French): Molly Havard

A prize, to be spent on the purchase of books, will be awarded by the Senate, on the recommendation of the Head of French, to the student in the final undergraduate year judged to have done the most meritorious work in the field of nineteenth or twentieth century French literature. 

Mary Williams Prize in French: Lauren Atkinson and Holly Trainor

Prize is awarded annually by the Senate on the recommendation of the Head of French and is to be spent on the purchase of books. The prize will be awarded to the best student of French in the Final Year class.

Diverres Prize (French): George Maunder

The prize will be awarded to the final year undergraduate student who attains the highest standard in the French language. 

Congratulations to all our prizewinners!